iPhone / iPad シンセアプリ 【SpaceLab】

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SpaceLab – iOS Synth App




SpaceLab (Version 1.11) App
カテゴリ: ミュージック
価格: ¥120
デベロッパ名: Iglesia Intermedia
リリース日: 2012/03/08
現Ver.の平均評価: (無し / 0件の評価)
通算の平均評価: (4 / 9件の評価)


SpaceLab is a monophonic synthesizer. It has four ways to play: keyboard, graph, guitar, and wind controller. Underneath those interfaces is a fully programmable subtractive synth with oscillators, filters, envelopes, effects, FM, presets, an arpeggiator, full MIDI control, and much more!





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