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Shoom Synthesizer」登場!




Shoom Synthesizer (Version 1.0) App
カテゴリ: ミュージック
価格: ¥720
デベロッパ名: Yuri Turov
リリース日: 2016/04/16
現Ver.の平均評価: (無し / 0件の評価)
通算の平均評価: (無し / 0件の評価)


iPad スクリーンショット

iPad スクリーンショット 1
iPad スクリーンショット 2
iPad スクリーンショット 3
iPad スクリーンショット 4



•• Introductory price for a limited time ••

Shoom is an expressive XY pad synthesizer. Or, more precisely, three identical synthesizers in one app. It is capable of playing any pitch in the audible range and doesn’t necessarily limit you to a particular scale. Nevertheless, if you do want to use scales, Shoom can deliver anything from common 12-tone equal tempered to xenharmonic and microtonal.

• Three independent synthesizers
• 20–20,000 Hz pitch range
• Slide freely or snap notes to scale with adjustable glide rate
• Set notes to infinite hold using a dedicated toggle
• Microtonal and non-octave repeating scales support
• MIDI CC control and clock sync (MIDI note input coming in a later update)
• Inter-App Audio, Audiobus 2 support
• 60+ bundled presets
• Import and export of presets and CC maps

Synthesizer engine features:
• Adjustable polyphony, up to 30 voices
• Two oscillators with 4 waveforms and PWM, and one noise generator
• Oscillator FM cross-modulation
• 4 pole (24 dB/octave) resonant low pass filter with overdrive and pitch tracking
• 2 variable slope ADSR envelopes for amplitude and filter cutoff
• 2 LFOs with 9 waveforms, up to 3 out of 12 simultaneously assignable parameters, trigger and global running modes, fade-in and phase controls
• Y axis position as modulation source with up to 3 of 15 simultaneously assignable parameters
• Note pan randomizer
• Built-in stereo delay and reverb effects




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